How to meet the Skilled Nursing Facility Emergency Power Requirements AB 2511 – 96 hours
Wondering how to meet the recently adopted AB-2511 Skilled nursing facilities backup power requirements?This presentation was

22 intriguing microgrid projects to watch in 2022 – Kaiser, Ontario
Good to see this list of projects highlighting their innovation, ability to serve as models, and

Jam Foods Facility, San Rafael CA
The Challenge – Convert an existing storage building into a food production facility utilizing existing utility

Google, Palo Alto – Commissioning
The Challenge – Increase the main electrical service without interruption to regular business operation, and complete

HACi (OSHPD) HBSB Energy & Environment Committee Publish the Final Microgrid White Paper 🔋☀️⚡︎
On January 21 the HACi (HBSB) Energy & Environment Committee voted to accept the White Paper

Northern Californian AEC Industry Comes Together for the 10th Annual Bike to Hope – $183,000 Raised
Was great to be part of the 10th Annual Bike to Hope which raised over $183,000 towards City of Hope’s groundbreaking

Hospitals joining in the decarbonization movement?
Hospitals joining in the decarbonization movement? Anyone involved in hospital design or operation will be thinking

Medical Office Building Sustainable System Features
Great to see that sustainable building systems are being viewed as features on medical office buildings.

When the Electric Grid is No Longer Enough: Microgrids as Reliability Heroes
Hope you can join us – 8 am Pacific/11 am Eastern, May 11th, 2021 to hear

Kaiser Ontario, Sustainable Microgrid Hospital
CONTECH-CA Role: Electrical Engineer – Microgrid Consulting Project Description: The project, which includes 2.2 megawatts (MW)

OSHPD HBSB Energy & Environment Committee Vote to Accept Microgrid White Paper, January 21st, 2021 ✅
On January 21 the HBSB Energy & Environment Committee voted to accept the White Paper following

OSHPD HBSB Microgrid Presentation, December 10th, 2020
As part of the HBSB Microgrid White Paper development, I gave an update to the HBSB

Keeping the Lights On: The Need to Know on Back-Up Power Solutions
Why Consider a Back-up Power Solution? A home generator, battery, or solar battery back-up is becoming

San Benito Health Foundation – Hollister, CA
CONTECH-CA Role: Consulting Electrical Engineer – Microgrid Project Description: San Benito Health Foundation (SBHF) is a

580 Irwin St, Office Re-Development San Rafael, CA
CONTECH-CA Role: Electrical Engineer of Record Project Description: Remodel of existing office and warehouse to accommodate the
Workshop on Assessing the Future Role for Microgrids in California, Integrated Energy Policy Report Update
As part of the 2020 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update (2020 IEPR Update), the California Energy

5 ways to prepare for planned power outages
With PG&E planned power outages seemingly imminent, it is crucial for business owners and building owners

UC Davis Medical Center Surgery and Emergency Pavilion, Sacramento, CA
Role: Electrical Engineer and Project Manager Project Description The project opened in 2011—comprised of a

CONTECH-CA Buff’s have arrived!
Thanks to Concept Design Studios for shipping the buffs just in time for the Governor’s mandatory

Bond Lane Tiburon, CA – Electrical Distribution, Utility & Coordination
Role: We collaborated with the site owner to develop load calculations necessary for the PG&E application and

Laguna Honda Hospital, San Francisco, CA Redevelopment
Role: Electrical engineer and MEP design project manager for the extensive renovation and replacement project.* My

Effective California Healthcare Project Delivery Approach?
Effective California Healthcare Project Delivery Approach? Working within existing California hospitals can be very challenging; this

CONTECH-CA strategic hire has grown to be a key part of the operations team 🐾
Benny no a fully grown dog is proving to be a key part of the operations

Remote critical infrastructure emergency power technical support – Multinational locations
Roll: Provided technical support troubleshooting and design assistance for critical infrastructure systems located in various remote

John Muir Health, Walnut Creek, CA – Generator Replacement
Role: Electrical engineer and ‘design professional in responsible charge’ for the project. Led project from concept

MarinHealth, Greenbrae, CA – Nurse Call System Upgrade Project
Role: Electrical engineer and ‘design professional in responsible charge’ for the project. Project Description: Upgrade of

Residence, Goodhill Rd, Kentfield, CA – Electrical Distribution, Utility & Tesla Coordination
Role: We collaborated with the site owner to develop cost-effective electrical distribution solutions, Extensive Coordination with Tesla

MarinHealth, Greenbrae, CA – Generator Controls Replacement Project
Role: Electrical engineer and ‘design professional in responsible charge’ for the project. As a project was

MarinHealth, Greenbrae, CA – Virtual Patient Care Project
Role: To support the installation of a virtual patient care system we provided electrical infrastructure design

Residence, Laurel Grove, Kentfield, CA – Electrical Distribution & Utility Coordination
Role: We collaborated with the site owner to develop cost-effective electrical distribution solutions. Project description: Consultation and

Takeaways from California HBSB’s Energy Conservation & Management Committee February 2020 meeting
As a consulting member of the California Hospital Building Safety Board’s (HBSB) Energy Conservation and Management

COVID-19 Healthcare Emergency Power & Systems Response Information – California Specific
In response to many requests from our clients, I pulled together the following information for supporting

Virtual Meetings and Video Conferencing Best Practices
Why should you go virtual? At CONTECH-CA, we hold the majority of our meetings virtually, using

Boosting Microgrid Development & Streamline the Interconnection Process?
Boosting microgrid development & streamline the interconnection process? This is the goal of SB1339. As part

It’s Time Start Preparing for the Next Public Safety Power Shut Off (PSPS)
If you’re wondering when you should start preparing for the next Public Safety Power Shut Off

California Energy Code in 2020 Will Apply to “I” Occupancy/ Hospitals
Hospitals are no longer exempt. As of January 1, 2020, the California Energy Code will now

Takeaways from California HBSB’s Energy Conservation & Management Committee October meeting
As a consulting member of the California Hospital Building Safety Board’s (HBSB) Energy Conservation and Management

2000 Marin St Redevelopment, San Francisco, CA, Redevelopment Masterplan
Collaborated with site owner to develop electrical distribution solutions.

HoloBuilder Construction Technology Collaboration, San Francisco, CA
Role: Consulted with HoloBuilder to help them develop their platform into an effective information gathering and

New Stanford Hospital, Palo Alto, CA
Role: As the electrical engineer (EEOR) for the new Stanford Hospital, instrumental in the design and

Sustainable Solutions, European Takeaways
Takeaways from my recent trip to the UK, considering California sustainability in light of the recent UK decarbonization mandate of net zero by 2050.

Impact of Internet of a Things IoT on Cybersecurity in Hospitals
Impact of Internet of a Things IoT on Cyber Security in California Hospitals? This is a

Video tutorial: Healthcare Wire Applications HCFC
Hospital wiring is traditionally installed using conduit. While it’s resilient, and it allows replacement of circuits,

IEEE February 2019: Electrical Engineering Power Systems Seminar
Thanks to the San Francisco IEEE chapter for putting on today’s Power Systems Seminar. Always great

Meeting Old Friends, at Alisdair McGregor Retirement Party
Was great meeting many old friends and Arup colleagues at Alisdair McGregor retirement party

Understanding Net Metering
As more renewables are added to the grid, understanding the energy bill becomes more challenging. Fortunately,

CA Hospitals Subject to Title 24, Chapter 6 Energy Codes in 2020. Are you ready?
Hospitals in California have to date been exempt from part 6 (Energy Codes) of the Building Codes. In the next Code Cycle, due to go into effect January 1st, 2020, hospitals will no longer be exempt and will be subject to Part 6, with a series of exceptions

IEEE Devising Your Emergency Power Strategy
Reliable and scalable emergency power is of crucial importance in any healthcare and essential facility. With

We Love to Talk….In-person, Phone, Video – if all else fails email or Text
We Love to Talk ….all – 415 652 4833, use the Zoom Meeting link below, or

Emergency Generators in Healthcare
With aging healthcare infrastructure, the planning and execution of temporary generator installations is critical to the

Ford Research and Innovation Center, Palo Alto
Project Description: Assisted in the design of the electrical systems for this unique project in the

MarinHealth Oak Pavillion Hospital, Greenbrae, CA
Role: As the electrical engineer (EEOR) for the new MarinHealth Hospital, led the design of the

Owning an Electric Vehicle (EV) Simple Guide
Since get our Tesla Mode 3 in September I have learn a lot about owning, driving,

Kaiser Permanente, Richmond CA Microgrid
Project description: Design and install a renewable microgrid consisting of 250kW solar PV structures utilizing SunPower

USCF Health, San Francisco
Project Description: Electrical engineering services to support the ongoing operation of the USCF Health campuses. Role: Provide electrical engineering and support

Pond Farm Brewing Co., San Rafael CA
Project description: Electrical engineering service for Pond Farm Brewing Co. Project Type Building Conversion Features Micro

Stanford University Hospital Command Center, Palo Alto, CA
Project Description: To meet the seismic compliance it was necessary to move the compact security and

Kaiser Permanente, San Leandro, CA
Delivered on a Budget and Two Months Ahead of Schedule. Principal in Charge for the MEP

How UCSF Health is putting patients first with facilities management
I was recently sent this article and wanted to congratulate UCSF for fully embracing the available

Bike To Hope Event – Charity Event
Congratulations to Team Veni Vidi Velo Vino and all the Bike to Hope riders who cycled